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my covid19 experience

As promised in my previous blog, I would now like to write about my Covid19 experience. Firstly, I would like to thank God for bringing me through a dreadful and depressing time. If anyone has ever told you that this disease is demonic, then I have to say that I wholeheartedly agree. People I personally knew, were succumbing to the disease and it was so bad that in one day… Read More »my covid19 experience

LOCKDOWN – This too shall pass!

Where does one even begin. Not in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine experiencing anything in my life time as we are currently going through with a global lockdown of this magnitude. If I thought that nothing could be more dramatic as 9/11, I must admit that this global pandemic is on another scale! My heart bleeds for those who have lost loved ones during this pandemic and still… Read More »LOCKDOWN – This too shall pass!

We all have a story to tell

We all have a story to tell. Your story is significant and don’t ever allow anyone to tell you that it’s not. Your story has the power to impact and change someone’s life for the better. Be bold, tell it and be released from it. The enemy will come in many ways to try and dampen our spirits through people who may say and do certain things, but if you… Read More »We all have a story to tell